Saturday, March 7, 2009

this entry sucks: out of depression

i dont want to be one of the penguins
racing towards the sea
despite their ability to adapt
they are at the same skies as everyone else
none reach a higher altitude
as if no penguin wanted to reach dreams

i dont want to be one of the butterflies
fluttering endlessly against the gustly wind
despite their lovely wings
is a short life span
hidden in those fucking patterns
patterns of adoration
and they shall never reach neverland
stupid tinkerbell owns the place

i dont want to be one of those seemingly happy dolphins
for despite their charm
they suffer the lack of warmth
the lack of passion
to outdo life and to be challenged
with life's obstacles

i want to live like a content spider
spinning thread
a durable matter
for a happy home
a happy self

..i killed an ant.

envious of its patience and perseverance
storing food
for the drought.

..and i killed another one.

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