Tuesday, December 23, 2008

christmas without the mas.

And its christmas time! A wonderful time for lovers to feel the warmth and the affection for each other. a wonderful time for those fortunate people to share the blessings they have been obtaining for the whole year. and of course, for a family to be whole and have a merry christmas.

unfortunately, number three is what i lack.

this is my first christmas without both my parents but i dont feel any bitterness for even a sleight of a hand. i understand what our family has been going through and i know that it is best for them to be together at this very moment for the betterment of our family.

it has been a difficult decision for them to leave me and my siblings after the 18 years that we have been together. but as i have learned from everyday life, things change in every bit of a second and sometimes you're not even capable of stopping even the most worst situations. accepting things as it is, keeping strength and will, doing things in a way you are supposed to be, may be the only ways in how you will be able to get through these difficult times.

it was really hard to be a mother and at the same time a father to both my younger brother and sister. but as the eldest one, i have to be responsible enough to protect, nurture and guide them, it may not be the same as to a mother's love, i promised myself to be the best ate as i can be.

this may not the same christmas as we had a couple of years ago, but the important thing is that, our family is still intact and our family still love and respect each other. we may not be together, today or tomorrow, at the very least is that we can still fulfill the christmas that we have been aiming for someday.

hey sir! it's christmas time! don't forget to offer a little prayer for our savior Jesus Christ :) merry christmas sir :D

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